01 May 2008

gas tax

Don't support the gas tax cut proposed by Clinton and McCain. If you're only moderately intelligent, then you will understand the following article.

I'm growing increasingly tired of the election crap going on. I can't get excited about anyone really, so I have no idea who I'm going to vote for in November. Someone give me a good reason to vote for any of these candidates.

Does anyone know anything about any of the third party candidates? I could cast a vote for a third party just to support the principle--an effort to overthrow the two party system (don't get me started). 

I saw Expelled by Ben Stein the other day in theaters and enjoyed it immensely. You should probably go see it if you too are skeptical of the Darwinian hegemony which exists in the scientific and educational communities.

More random blurbs: new Coldplay and Death Cab singles are out so take a listen. I'm not really excited about the Coldplay one, but I don't want to judge too fast. Death Cab can do no wrong in my eyes. I have a really big problem being critical of anything they put out. Coldplay's is called "Violet Hill" and Death Cab's is called "I Will Possess Your Heart."

NC State's classes are about to end, so I'm going to have to buckle down and actually do something. I've applied for a job at the University's library and hopefully will be working there for the summer. I'll be in Raleigh all summer, so come and visit. As a city, it is superior to Greensboro in almost every way (except for the boring middle-aged people category).

Tell me what you're studying, learning, and reading currently. I'm studying Thessalonians in my regular study time. Also, I am learning and reading about Persian history trying to understand how the books of Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, and Daniel fit into the larger picture of world history. I think too often we treat Old Testament stories as fairy tales or myths when they are actually small pieces of the history of civilization. I have an enormous tome called From Cyrus to Alexander by Pierre Briant on my desk.

Also, I'm reading Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis which is a retelling of the story of Cupid and Psyche. I should be done with that by the weekend and will be available for comment and discussion. I'll try to make it a goal to write a short review of it on here, but don't count on it.

Please finish well and call me when you are in North Carolina and we'll hang out. 

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