27 June 2008


It's late at night, so I'm not going to write for long. I have a lot on my mind right now. I've been thinking and learning a lot this summer, but it seems that a lot of it is way too personal to put up on my blog. A lot of it is not yet solidified yet either. If I tried to write about it, there is no way that is would be remotely coherent. It's all little fragments slowly being assembled.

Anyway, I've been thinking about difficult things and was encouraged by 2 sermons which my father gave at my church in Greensboro 2 years ago. They were given in consecutive Sundays as 2 parts. Both are about grief. I'll post them here for your enjoyment. You can right-click and "Save Target As" to get them on your computer. Please call, email, or comment your questions or comments. 

I'll be in Tennessee with the middle school youth group from my church in Greensboro from Saturday until Wednesday, and I'm not sure if I will be able to talk on the telephone while I'm there.

Life is hard. Do not fall into the snare which Satan has set for us which makes us think that we always have to be OK. We can cry and feel broken and confused. God is still God. He is not safe, but He is good. He is the King.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Safe? OF course he isn't safe. But he good. He's the King, I tell you."

That was my senior quote. I'm a fan.

And I miss you. I'll be seeing you in about a week.