06 February 2008

super tuesday

I hope by the time you are reading my blog you will have checked the news to find out the results of yesterday's voting. Nothing solved on the Democratic side, and McCain pulls ahead for the Republicans. I'm still trying to decide if I really like John McCain. I think he handles himself poorly in the televised debates, and I been generally unimpressed by his attitudes and actions. If he and Hillary Clinton end up running against each other, they're going to try to scratch each others' eyes out in the debates. Two women running for president of this country would be terrible. Oh wait... sorry, Mr. McCain. What I don't like is that McCain has a temper. I don't think this is a desirable trait for the President of the United States. Are we just going to bomb countries because he gets all steamed up? I thought it was bad when President Bush pointed his finger at anyone he wanted to and called them the Axis of Evil. McCain won't be that friendly. Just look at the way he's treated other Senators who have disagreed with him. I guess all I can hope is that McCain learns to control his himself if he is chosen to be the face of our country.

I have a journal full of thoughts which I want to share with whoever is reading. I have a presentation on Emma tomorrow in class and a paper about literature in the American South due on Friday then I'm heading out of town for a few days. Nevertheless, I hope to be able to write new things soon.

Enjoy life.

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