26 January 2007

Some Quotes

You say that it is difficult to put this advice into practice. Who denies it? Plato has a fitting saying: “Those things which are beautiful are also difficult.” Nothing is harder than for a man to conquer himself, but there is no greater reward or blessing.

~Desiderius Erasmus, The Handbook of the Militant Christian (1503)

When there is no truth that deserves assent from everybody, the only arbiter in our competing desires is power. Where truth doesn’t define what’s right, might makes right. And where might makes right, weak people pay with their lives. When the universal claim of truth disappears, what you get is not peaceful pluralism or loving relationships; what you get is concentration camps and gulags.

~John Piper

Our culture — both in the media via programmes such as Sex and the City and in everyday interactions — relentlessly puts forth the idea that lust is a way station on the road to love. It isn’t.

~Dawn Eden

Read the whole article by Ms. Eden at Casual Sex is a Con. It is a super article about culture's views on sex and love and how it doesn't seem to work out.

I'm officially going to Chicago for spring break to serve the homeless and orphans in the inner city. I'm really excited to be able to travel and do some good work for the break instead of spending all my time and money on myself. Funny, though, that by focusing on others I will bring joy to myself. Long live Hedonism!

"[Hold] fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching, so that [you] will be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict. For there are many rebellious men, empty talkers and deceivers... who must be silenced."
~Titus 1:9-10

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