31 January 2008

a cool poster

I am not a Barack Obama supporter (although in politically homogeneous America, I don't really see a whole lot of difference between him and most of the other candidates), but the following poster is worth note just because it looks cool. It's good to see clever design going into something as usually devoid of design as a campaign poster.

The fact that the most exciting thing to me about the presidential race is a well designed poster says a lot about my attitude toward American politics of the moment. Issues are not discussed, the candidates are all the same except for their appearance. What we have is a black moderate, a female moderate, a southern baptist moderate, a rich Mormon moderate, and a war-hero Arizonian moderate. This isn't to say that I am not going to vote or anything; I'm just a bit disillusioned at the moment with all of it. Being in England, I hear only what is "big news" about the candidates. It's never policy issues. The big news is that Hillary lashed out against Obama and McCain hates Romney. Who cares how much these candidates like each other? What are their policies? It is almost impossible to find out.

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